Posts Tagged ‘pick’

Poem: Hard Hot Winter

August 22, 2009

clipart for Hard Hot Winter


                                  A man dreams of a country he has

                                  never visited. He knows

                                  the house; the heft of the door’s

                                  handle; he can recite these


                                  fragrant names. He can pick out

                                  ancestors; he can curl

                                  like a quiet cat and be whispered

                                  awake. A man dreams of a country


                                  he has never visited and calls it

                                  home, culling the pieces

                                  of the long road to morning. All

                                  things relate; all patterns


                                  are part of a history, written

                                  or not, spoken with the passionate

                                  tongue of those who have

                                  ridden it out, these magical


                                  seconds when the bull bucks on –

                                  and we are astride, or

                                  off  – our palms chapped with

                                  the rope we coil and strengthen.


Please note: The poem is mine, but the artwork used to accompany this post is a clipart illustration.


Quote of the Day

July 4, 2009



But there is more to a fine photograph than information. We are also seeking to present an image that arouses the curiosity of the viewer or that, best of all, provokes the viewer to think–to ask a question or simply to gaze in thoughtful wonder. We know that photographs inform people. We also know that photographs move people. The photograph that does both is the one we want to see and make. It is the kind of picture that makes you want to pick up your own camera again and go to work. 



Sam Abell

(1945-    )

American photographer