Posts Tagged ‘quiet’

Quote of the Day

August 22, 2009



To photograph the essence of

a forest, I stand still. I try to

have a quiet mind and an

open heart. I listen. I can hear

the forest singing. I open

doors and windows to my 

soul, step around

preconceptions and push

aside mental barriers.

With gratitude I drink the

nurturing gift of the forest.



The photograph records the encounter between myself and the

forest. And then, it may awaken in the viewer a memory of

or longing for a connection with the natural world…


Adele Curtis

American-born Photographer, Singer, Songwriter

Poem: Hard Hot Winter

August 22, 2009

clipart for Hard Hot Winter


                                  A man dreams of a country he has

                                  never visited. He knows

                                  the house; the heft of the door’s

                                  handle; he can recite these


                                  fragrant names. He can pick out

                                  ancestors; he can curl

                                  like a quiet cat and be whispered

                                  awake. A man dreams of a country


                                  he has never visited and calls it

                                  home, culling the pieces

                                  of the long road to morning. All

                                  things relate; all patterns


                                  are part of a history, written

                                  or not, spoken with the passionate

                                  tongue of those who have

                                  ridden it out, these magical


                                  seconds when the bull bucks on –

                                  and we are astride, or

                                  off  – our palms chapped with

                                  the rope we coil and strengthen.


Please note: The poem is mine, but the artwork used to accompany this post is a clipart illustration.


Quote of the Day

July 30, 2009



It is light that reveals, light that obscures, light that communicates. It is light I “listen” to. The light late in the day has a distinct quality, as it fades toward the darkness of evening. After sunset there is a gentle leaving of the light, the air begins to still, and a quiet descends. I see magic in the quiet light of dusk. I feel quiet, yet intense energy in the natural elements of our habitat. A sense of magic prevails. A sense of mystery. It is a time for contemplation, for listening – a time for making photographs.


John Sexton

(1953 –    )

American Photographer

Unspoiled beauty — HDR

July 30, 2009


© slack12

© slack12










Quote of the Day

July 9, 2009



This benefit of seeing…

can come only if you pause

a while, extricate yourself

from the maddening mob of

quick impressions ceaselessly

battering our lives, and look

thoughtfully at a quiet image…

the viewer must be willing to 

pause, to look again, to meditate.



Dorothea Lange


American Photographer & Photojournalist

Quote of the Day

July 8, 2009



After midnight is magic time. The old two lane roads and dead, dusty towns are empty and quiet. I can set my tripod up in the middle of the road and make a ten minute exposure without the fear of getting run over. If a car did come, I can hear its engine whispering on the breeze ten minutes before I ever see its lights. The fluttering of bats wings, and the distinct howl of distant coyotes are the only sounds to keep me company. It’s easy to see why the native American culture is so reverent about the power of nature.



Troy Paiva

American Artist & Photographer

Relaxing in Santorini

July 1, 2009


© marcelgermain

© marcelgermain










