Posts Tagged ‘interfacing’

Quote of the Day

June 22, 2009





What I think is so extraordinary

about the photograph is that we

have a piece of paper with this

image adhered to it, etched on it,

which interposes itself into

the plane of time that we are

actually in at that moment. 



Even if it comes from as far back as 150 years ago, or as recently

as yesterday, or a minute before as a Polaroid color photograph,

suddenly you bring it into your experience.


You look at it, and all around the real world is humming,

buzzing and moving, and yet in this little frame there is

stillness that looks like the world. That connection, that

collision, that interfacing, is one of the most astonishing

things we can experience. 



Joel Meyerowitz

(1938-    )

American Photographer