Posts Tagged ‘Woodstock’

Quote of the Day

January 2, 2010

You see fleeting perfection of form merging with a significant substance, and you make a clicking noise only a hair’s breadth away. You have then judged something, reported something, ostensibly truthfully… And when you made a clicking noise you said something eloquently if you are skilled.

Burk Uzzle

(1938 –    )

American Photographer

Burk is the guy who took a bunch of Woodstock pics.

From Boing Boing:

“Burk Uzzle shot the festival from the vantage point of a participant. In one particularly telling photograph, a sea of humanity as dense as a carpet of wildflowers in a meadow spills over a hillside; in another, a young hippie couple standing in a tender embrace under a grandmother’s quilt became the icon of a generation. Rather than document the music, Uzzle chose to focus on details of living, existence, and enjoyment over that three day period. In so doing, he captured the spirit of the festival and ultimately an era.”


And here’s the story behind one well-known Woodstock photo:
